BookGilt - Search results - Author: Thompson; Title: Murder-at-St--Mark--s-Place

Murder on St. Mark's Place (Gaslight Mysteries Ser.) ***EDGAR AWARD FINALST***
Thompson, Victoria Publisher: Berkley Publishing... Date published: 2000 Format: Softcover ISBN: 9780425173619

1st. Ed. 2nd in series. Paperback Original, reading creases, slight slant else near fine. EDGAR AWARD NOMINEE. As a midwife in the turn-of-the-century tenements of New York City, Sarah Brandt has seen suffering and joy, birth and death -- and even murder. And the crime-ridden streets of the teeming city offer little relief from either. Thinking she has been summoned by German immigrant Agnes Otto to usher a new life into the world, Sarah Brandt is greeted by the news of an untimely death instead. It seems that Agnes's beautiful younger sister, Gerda, had fallen into the life of a "Charity Girl". Caught up in the false glamour of the city's nightlife, she would trade her company -- and her favors -- not for money, but for lavish gifts and an evening's entertainment. And now she was dead, victim, no doubt, of one of her "gentlemen friends".