BookGilt - Search results - ISBN: 9780901180162

THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF EDWARD JOHN DENT Chronometer Maker and some account of his Successors - MOnographs 13 and 24
Edward John Dent and His Successors
THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF EDWARD JOHN DENT Chronometer Maker and Some Account of His Successors WITH A Supplement to Edward John Dent and His Successors
The life and letters of Edward John Dent, chronometer maker, and some of his successors (Monograph - Antiquarian Horological Society ; no. 13)
The Life and Letters of Edward John Dent, Chronometer Maker, and Some of His Successors (Monograph-Antiquarian Horological Society; No. 13)
The Life and Letters of Edward John Dent, Chronometer Maker, and Some of His Successors (Monograph-Antiquarian Horological Society; No. 13)
The life and letters of Edward John Dent, chronometer maker, and some of his successors (Monograph - Antiquarian Horological Society ; no. 13)